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Jackson's Trivia Recap

Feb 7

2 min read



Last night was a super fun trivia night based around the Jackson's... not just Michael or Janet may I add! We had some easier questions mixed with some harder ones of course!

The hardest question of the first round seemed to be the first question of the night, Michael Jackson's FIRST solo album. The rest of that round seemed to be more well known except for a Janet question that stumped a few. This round ended with a tie breaker question between all teams. The tie breaker was the title of Janet Jackson's first number-one Billboard Hot 100 hit, which was "When I Think of You".

Team P&E ended up winning this round as well by having the answer to me the quickest. They won themselves 4 shots of Apple Pie, my favorite!

Our second round was movies that mainly had Samuel L Jackson acting in them, however there were a couple movies with Michael and Janet. The head scratcher seemed to be the second to last movie clip which was a movie called Patriot Games, however it did not stump this rounds winner!

Team P&E ended up winning this round as well. They won themselves another 4 shots of Apply Pie!

Our general trivia round was History edition and proved to be a little more difficult than the first two. The easiest question in this round was On What Japanese City Was The First Atomic Bomb Dropped? Hiroshima of course was the answer to this one and luckily for a few of the teams, I do not count spelling!

Team P&E won this round as well and earned themselves a bartenders choice drink...way to go guys!

Our final round of the night is always Name That Tune with this week being all Jacksons. Of course, we do give away a Freebie in the middle of the round for the first person to get the correct song, that winner was team Struggle Bus earning themselves a bartenders choice drink!

We had excellent Jackson hits (if I don't say so myself, lol) with some Janet, Michael, Jackson 5, and even some Alan Jackson! Team Struggle Bus ended up getting this round!

FIRST PLACE: Team P&E ($20 gift card)

SECOND PLACE: Team Struggle Bus ($10 gift card)

THIRD PLACE: Team Misfits and Stranger Danger split the prize! (free drinks)

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